Plumbing Checks to Make When Buying or Selling a Home

You cannot neglect plumbing. In fact, it is one of the most important things when buying a home, when selling a home, and when living in a home. The reason for this is not only that functional plumbing is absolute essential for hygiene, and safety about the home, but it is also essential for being able to do some of the most fundamental tasks, from cooking and cleaning to washing yourself and your clothes. 

Make no mistake, sketchy plumbing is a strong turn off for any potential buyer, and a seller will have a tough time shifting a property if there is something wrong with the plumbing. CityHome Collective, a real estate brokerage offering homes for sale out of Salt Lake City, have some very pertinent advice here. Even a home that is considered a “fixer upper” and is dilapidated or run-down should at least have functional plumbing in order to have a chance of being sold.

The reason for this isn’t only that plumbing is essential if a house is going to be livable at all, but also that having to fix major plumbing problems in a new property effectively means that the price tag of the property is meaningless – the new owner is going to have pay a lot more. 

So, if you are viewing a home or getting ready to sell one, it is vital to check that the plumbing is up to scratch before either making an offer or putting the home on the market. 

Learn to Check

As it happens, you don’t need to have any plumbing expertise in order to vet a home for plumbing problems. Fixing plumbing problems is quite a different matter from merely looking for the signs of them. Moreover, for the majority of plumbing problems, it’s entirely possible to effectively check for plumbing problems yourself. 

You might not be able to identify every single issue, but you can check for most of them. This is because plumbing problems are pretty difficult to miss, and there is usually a clear sign. Fail to do this, and you neglect one of the most important tasks when a home is going to be up for sale. 

What to Look For?

What is it that you should actually check for, what problems do these tell-tale signs indicate and, perhaps most importantly, what should do about each problem and how much will it cost? Here follows the indicators of plumbing issues:

Water Stains on Ceiling and Walls

If you notice any water stains on the ceilings or walls of a property, then clearly water is going somewhere that it shouldn’t – and causing damage at that. This is a sign of leaky pipes, which are not actually too difficult or expensive to have fixed. Nevertheless, the damage to the walls and ceilings might be another matter – and this is very visible. 

Leaky Faucets, Radiators etc. 

Things dripping constantly can actually waste a significant amount of water, which can add up over the timescales which utility bills are paid. That’s one thing. Another is that leaking radiators, taps and toilets can also cause water damage, which is very visible. 

Outdoor Leaks 

Thanks to the effects of weathering on concrete or asphalt, an outdoor leak can end up damaging outdoor surfaces, widening cacks, and creating a home for weeds. That’s right, plumbing problems can even cause curb appeal issues. 

Whether buying or selling a home, having your plumbing in check is essential. The best advice, therefore, might be to notice the problem early and fix it before it costs you too much.

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